Meet Bacio & Yuki

My 2 White Dogs

The tales of special needs & now senior dogs

It’s been a long time, I shouldn’ta left ya.

It’s been a long time, I shouldn’ta left ya.

I know my most recent posts have been severely lacking, with crazy amounts of time in between them.  I could apologize again and say I'm trying to work on it, but I'm sure any readers out there have heard it enough.  The truth of the matter is after Bacio's surgery...

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Happy 4th Birthday Bacio!

Happy 4th Birthday Bacio!

How time flies.  It seems like not too long ago I was on the phone with my aunt, telling her that I was considering...

Second Femoral Head Ostectomy

Second Femoral Head Ostectomy

The second half of hip dysplasia recovery has begun.  Round Two is here in full force.  Last Friday, the...