Meet Bacio & Yuki
My 2 White Dogs
The tales of special needs & now senior dogs
Second Femoral Head Ostectomy
The second half of hip dysplasia recovery has begun. Round Two is here in full force. Last Friday, the 25th, I dropped Bacio off for his second Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) surgery. We pulled into the parking lot around 8:30am. it was closer to...
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Too big for a Cage
Well, it is official. Bacio is too big for his crate. I finally got him in there and he can barely stand up inside...
One week
Well in one week from now Bacio will (hopefully by this time of day) be out of surgery. I'm so nervous, but so...
Bacio’s Walk Before his First FHO
Hello all, hope everyone is well. I haven't made a substantial post in a while because I've been busy working on...