Bacio’s Femoral Head Ostectomy

FHO Surgery on a Large Breed Dog

At only a year old my Labrador-Great Pyrenees mix (Labrynees is what I call him) was diagnosed with severe hip dysplasia.  The following collection of posts are my experiences with the vets, recovery, ups and downs, and life post surgery.  It helped me stay sane during the recovery to write about it.  I am in no way shape or form a veterinarian, do not take anything I’ve written as medical advice. When Bacio had this surgery there wasn’t much information out there about it being performed on large breed dogs.  I share my experience for others who may be in similar situations and want to see how my boy handled everything.

What’s FHO? A holiday gift!

While taking my dad’s senior husky in for her annual boosters, we found out that Bacio may be a candidate for Femoral Head Ostectomy (FHO) surgery for his hip dysplasia.

Bacio’s Hip Dysplasia X-rays

Visiting the Animal Hospital If you read my last post, you know the story behind Bacio's current condition.  I took my little labrynees to the Fox Lake Animal Hospital today to see what could be done for his hips.  It is a walk-in clinic, with no appointments and...

Anxious to Schedule Surgery

To a Pain-Free New Year. Today I find myself very anxious, yet almost excited to make the call to schedule Bacio's surgery appointment next week. I've been thinking all day about ways I can raise funds to pay for the procedure. I will offer photography at discounted...

New Year, New Hips

First, let's start with a big Happy New Year to everyone out there.  Hope this year is even better than the last.  Maybe a year without predicted apocalypses (apocali?...) will make people calmer.  This year will bring changes for my dogs and me....

Bacio’s Walk Before his First FHO

Hello all, hope everyone is well.  I haven't made a substantial post in a while because I've been busy working on it.  Odd little side note before I get into things, I took Bacio's old crate out to get him used to it again.... He's terrified of it....

One week

Well in one week from now Bacio will (hopefully by this time of day) be out of surgery.  I'm so nervous, but so happy for the little guy.  It will be rough at first but in the end I am sure this is the right thing to do.   He's still afraid of his...

Dog UTI and The Day Before FHO

One full day left until I drop my pup off for surgery.  I am no longer as worried about the actual surgery as I am about the recovery.  I have found some resources online and gotten some advice from's forum.  I mean, I'll still be a wreck all day on...

Dropped off for FHO Surgery

Bacio had no idea why he got to go in the car without Yuki, but he was kinda digging it. We pulled up to the vet he even did his excited whine because he was getting to go somewhere. Just so he didn't hate me, I walked him around this grassy area in front of the...

FHO Surgery Recovery – Day One

We've pretty much made it through the first day of Bacio's FHO Recovery.  Let me start from getting to the vet to pick him up... As I pulled into the parking lot, I noticed a woman walking her dog, didn't think much of it, was more concerned about finding a spot to...

FHO Recovery Improvements – Day 4

Appearances Improve Bacio's FHO recovery is coming along.  It has only been the first few days of many to come, but I've already seen progress. The coloring around his incision is getting back to normal, and his butt isn't so pink now that the hair is starting to grow...
One Year After Bilateral FHO Surgery

One Year After Bilateral FHO Surgery

It has been way too long since the last update, post, or activity on this website.  A lot of things have been going on recently that have drawn my attention...

3 Months Later, Was FHO the Right Choice?

3 Months Later, Was FHO the Right Choice?

We are back in frigid cold of Chicago.  The drive up wasn't so bad, but man oh man was it a shock to go from 80 degrees to -20 with the wind chills....

Second FHO Recovery after Two Weeks

Second FHO Recovery after Two Weeks

Wow. I don't know if my little bear understands this time that this surgery is good for him or what, but this recovery has been leaps and bounds better.  So...

Second Femoral Head Ostectomy

Second Femoral Head Ostectomy

The second half of hip dysplasia recovery has begun.  Round Two is here in full force.  Last Friday, the 25th, I dropped Bacio off for his second...

Running 5 Months After FHO surgery

The updates have become a bit sparser lately, I have been working 3 jobs this year in order to subsidize the costs of Bacio's surgeries and therapy programs....

Three months after Femoral Head Ostectomy

Three months after Femoral Head Ostectomy

Tomorrow is April 18th, on January 18th, three months ago, Bacio went his for his FHO surgery on his right hip.  Bacio's hip dysplasia at the time of...