Ahhhh. I’m so ready for winter to be over. Every single time we have therapy, it snows. The therapy has been going well so far. Bacio has definitely gained some confidence. He kind of likes the hydrotherapy now, and his sessions are getting longer and longer. The laser therapy he’s not too sure of still.
About a week ago, the little guy balanced on his right hind leg to pee. That’s right folks. He balanced on the leg that he had the surgery on. The week before that he wouldn’t hardly put any weight on the leg…. and then he’s balancing on it. I couldn’t believe my eyes. I’ve decided to have a tough love approach from now on. We’ve been going for longer and longer walks. He walks almost a mile every day. Its improvement, but there’s still so much more to do. His knee is so wobbly. It’s like a permanent stanky leg.

I’ve got to apologize for the lapse in time between posts. I got a bit down and depressed about his progress thus far. I just didn’t want to write anything. I had been questioning my decision to do the surgery. Seeing him making baby steps forward though has been good. He hasn’t been on pain meds for a week, but today he will get one because of his tough work out.
Although, I don’t know if it was a tough workout for him or if he was just faking it again. The therapist got a little worried this week. After his hydrotherapy he does some floor exercises, and when I told her that he doesn’t usually put much weight on his leg, and she was very concerned about how reluctant he is to try the exercises. I was sure that he was just scared of the new equipment and being a stubborn Bacio about it. Then she felt his hind leg and it was very hot. She stopped exercises right then and there. I felt a bit bad for accusing him of being a faker. He went to laser therapy before the end of the session.
So maybe he wasn’t faking and he was really tired and sore… Poor dog.
Poor dog? I parked the car and got him out. He saw a stray cat across the street and wanted to go eat it, barks up a storm over it. The cat runs away finally. Then, like he’s marking his territory, he pees in front of the house. You guessed it. He peed balancing on his one leg. The little faker. I don’t know what I’m going to do with him if he doesn’t start cooperating.
Yuki has been good by the way, I know most posts lately are about Bacio, so I thought I’d add that in there. She’s successfully chewed the pocket out of my jeans to get a tube of ChapStick, and then the pocket out of one of my coats for the same reason. She can really be a terror sometimes. When I was on the bus home today, I saw the Animal Control van… My first thought was that Yuki escaped somehow and was causing chaos. Oh huskies.
(She hadn’t escaped… she was busy eating my jeans and the ChapStick out of the pocket)